Airplane mode ON: How can you save money on DEWA bills when travelling?
Friday 12 May 2023Friday 12 May 2023

Airplane mode ON: How can you save money on DEWA bills when travelling?

Airplane mode ON: How can you save money on DEWA bills when travelling?

It's that time of the month again, when the bills roll around and the smile turns upside down. I mean, who even likes bills? But still, it's inevitable, we’ve gotta pay them!

Although, when you’re travelling, do you want to skip out on those DEWA bills? Here’s a clever hack that’ll help you save some extra cash when you’re out of town.

Whether it's a one-night only staycation you’re away for, or a long-haul trip, this hack is the perfect way to reduce that money crunch on those DEWA bills.

For those of you who are new here, you might be wondering what DEWA is, so let us break it down for you!

What is DEWA?

DEWA is Dubai's official utility company for electricity and water supply. All residents residing in the UAE have to register for DEWA, either moving into a new home for the first time or shifting homes.

So, you might be wondering - What is this DEWA hack?

It's simple, just go on to the DEWA app or on the DEWA website and after logging in - head to settings where you’ll be shown a range of options to choose from.

Choose the ‘AWAY MODE’ which will help you monitor any activity that’s happening back home such as leaks or unusual electrical usage. During ‘away mode’ any unusual activity at home will be disregarded by DEWA and you could save on your bills.

And if you don’t want notifications from DEWA about leakages or unusual electrical usage at home while you’re away, you can select the option for an activation period which will help you choose how often you’ll be receiving data on water and electricity usage while you’re away.

And once you’re back on home soil - be it Dubai or Abu Dhabi, DEWA will automatically notify you to turn your away mode back off!

Simple, right?
